Saturday, April 19, 2008

Sue Crolick

For my research from the books assignment I have chosen Sue Crolick.

A Smile in the Mind... pages 56, 102, 110, 113, 132, 135

Sue Crolick: a successful advertising art director turns big sister-esque art buddy

Sue's work reminded me a lot of some artists that used to run an after-school children's program that I would attend in Evansville. It was focused on inner-city kids. It gave kids the opportunity to do something positive instead of activities that negatively affect our society. When I first started attending the program it was a general after-school program that helped you with homework and let you play... supervised. However, the director was an artist, and eventually she collected other artists and gave the program an art focus. I had no interest in art people I started that program. That's where I learned that art is whatever you want it to be. That it is EXTREMELY broad, and it's about the process, and personal meaning, and expression, and it's never right or wrong... it just is.

Later I learned that in reality that's a bubble.

Nonetheless, everyone should be able to experience that bubble at least once. I did. And I guess once you learn it, you will never forget it.
Go'on whit cha bad self, Sue.


Anonymous said...

Sue Crolick is a great person and one of the best Art Directors ever. what she did with Art Buddies and Creatives for Causes is phenominal.To start with a blank piece of paper and come up with the results she did is incredible and to be admired..P.S. I do admire her..Thanks John Worden 6/08

Anonymous said...

Sue Crolick is a great person and one of the best Art Directors ever. what she did with Art Buddies and Creatives for Causes is phenominal.To start with a blank piece of paper and come up with the results she did is incredible and to be admired..P.S. I do admire her..Thanks John Worden 6/08