Sunday, April 27, 2008

Final Project

I had quite a few different ideas for the final project. I was going back on doing the green thing or re-doing the N190 thing. Ultimately, I have decided to use my onion project for my final project. For one, I had planned on showing my onion project along with my final project and my research from the book. Then I thought about how long it would take me to do all three. Not that it would be too horribly long, but everyone is supposed to be doing two presentations. I’m not sure how it’s all going to fit. Anyway, the onion project didn’t really turn out like I wanted it to. In reality, I think it will play out better as my final project.
My onion project comes courtesy of a ‘friend’. He fails to grow. His life has been a process of repeating the same things over and over and over again, only to realize that the same things keep happening. His life is agonizing. To him at least; to me, well, I don’t really care anymore. Why should I continue to help a person who just puts himself back in the same place? Do you really want help? You ask for it, but you never really do anything with it. Every time I see him, it’s like there is a little less. Maybe it’s because his life is actually decaying, or maybe I just get a little further away from him with each passing day. So maybe it’s not actually decay, maybe its lack of growth. I’m not sure that lack of growth is any better though.

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