Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Midterm quesions

What has been the single best aspect of this class thus far?
I think it's been seeing my classmates for the people they are, or possess inside, as opposed to the people I think them to be. I think we have some really gifted, really determined, really pissed-off students in the class. Regardless if I agree or disagree, you have to admire their strength, commitment and dedication. I don't know if I would have the courage to tell everyone what I believe religiously, to delete a creation I haven't seen, or to talk about racism as a white person. That takes... balls, big ones, Like REALLY BIG BALLS! I consider myself to be a liberal, free-spirited type of person. My fellow students at IUPUI usually leave me discouraged. I hear people say things, or watch them do something and think.... "Really? Seriously!" The slogan of the month appears to be "It takes all kinds," I can't seem to escape it; but it's true. It does take all kinds. I just don't expect to see all kinds in so many places. Last Thursday Ginny, our friend Logan, and myself went to a Thai restaurant that a mutual friend had recommended. It was buffet night, which was strange to begin with... but it got even stranger. We were surrounded by white people, in Indianapolis, at a Thai restaurant. This never happens! I mainly eat ethnic foods these days, and the restaurants are never ALL WHITE. It was strange. Not only was there little color in the place, but there was little space. This place was packed with people, big ones, and lots of them. I know it sounds like I am being mean, but I am not passing judgment. I am just trying to create a visual. Picture the Golden Corral crowd at a small Thai restaurant... it just doesn't fit. I took two things from that experience. One, buffets bring people together, build bridges and mend fences. If we could buffet the world, all of our problems would be solved. Two, people will always surprise me. The redneck Hoosier pallet is much more sophisticated than I had originally believed. And yes ladies and gentlemen, "it takes all kinds." All joking aside. The Thai buffet is a meeting in the middle. For someone that has never experienced something, a buffet concept is perfect. You are not obligated to one particular thing, and we will give you endless options. It's a Thai hand outreached, then accepted by an American grip. I thing this class is like that. Seeing Sideways is the buffet of New Media. Hopefully we will all leave the course a little more open-minded*.

*Food baby optional

What is the single most important thing you want to walk away with from this class?

I feel like the nature of this class is not to see things ‘sideways’ but more to open your mind. For me, I feel like I already work hard to keep my heart and mind open. To be willing to step outside of my comfort zone and accepting of things that are beyond me and my comprehension. I feel like this course is more empowering then it is described to be. Essentially it’s designed to make us better people, and hopefully that will carry over to our working lives. It encourages us to walk away from stifling situations. This class is the glimpse into what our lives/careers could be. We’ve learned the rules, now break them and do what you want. My freshman English teacher was amazing; I will never forget that guy. Mr. Baize, he looked just like Mark Twain. He was one wiry guy, amazingly passionate about reading creative writing. He gave A+++’s because some work was just that good. He was so motivating because he would get so excited about writer’s creating their own work. He taught us that we needed to first learn the rules, and then break as many as possible. Essentially you need to play by the rules to earn the respect, than you’ll earn the freedom to do what you want. I feel like I at that place with my New Media experience. I have learned essential skills and techniques. However, through learning those skills and techniques, I have also learned that I have no desire to have a New Media-based career. However, if I pick up what I have learned about myself in this course, and run with it... who knows what the future might bring? This weekend Ginny and I went to Columbus, OH... because Ginny needed "to get out of Indianapolis". We found this really awesome 32-room book store (http://www.bookloft.com/). While in this store I found this book, 500 Wedding Rings (http://www.larkbooks.com/catalog?isbn=1600590543), which Ginny and I basically perused from back to front. Marriage seems to be something in our near future, and we are a different type of people.... so of course we need a different type of ring. Anyway, on the way back to Indy we were talking about the rings. How some were just absurd and not at all practical, but we really appreciated the art aspect. That then lead me to the 'other' art... ya know, the kind of art you never will do in your average art class. I appreciate that kind of art, I don't always know what to do with it... but I appreciate its creativity. I hope that's what New Media will become for me. I hope I will make it my own, because we aren't really taught to do that. We are taught how to please a client, and how to recreate... but I don't want to recreate I want to create. To have something all my own. I want New Media to be enjoyable for me. I have seen outside work in other classes that basically tells me the creator work very hard to make something to surpass or match everything else that is out there. I want to create things on a new plane, or totally different direction. On the tree of New Media work, I want to be the roots. I want to continue to strive and grow... but I want it to be completely independent of what the 'field' is doing. I really just want to do it for myself... to have the love back... or at least the enjoyment.

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